If local development is to take place, national planning policy requires, wherever possible, for minerals to be extracted beforehand. CEMEX UK and Gascoyne Cecil have developed a strong working relationship over the past decade since CEMEX UK started working land at Symondshyde in 2006. Hatfield Quarry is a well-established CEMEX UK quarry extracting sand and gravel.
Why use a conveyor belt?
CEMEX UK have used a conveyor belt to take minerals from Symondshyde to Hatfield Quarry since 2006. This drastically reduces the number of lorry movements and therefore the impact such work might have on the local road network.
Lorry movements are limited to 250 / day at present along Coopers Green Lane. This will remain the same within the planning application proposal.
Why bother?
As national planning policy makes clear (see below), minerals such as the sand and gravel underneath much of Hertfordshire are crucial natural resources to support both our present way of life and sustainable economic growth. Minerals Planning Authorities, such as HCC, encourage landowners to extract minerals from their land before any building takes place which would prevent it from being brought out in the future.