Local Plan Inspector Appointed
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council submitted the Local Plan for examination on 15 May. The Secretary of State has subsequently appointed Planning Inspector Melvyn Middleton BA(Econ) DipTP DipMgmt MRTPI to carry out an independent examination in public and determine whether or not the Plan is sound.
This assessment will follow criteria laid out in paragraph 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to investigate whether the Plan is:
- Positively prepared
- Justified
- Effective
- Consistent with national policy
The appointment of an inspector is yet another important step in the Local Plan process, which offers a key opportunity for the local area to affirm a vision for the future shape of Welwyn Hatfield. For our part, Gascoyne Cecil Estates will continue to engage with communities both in respect of our strategic development sites as well as part of our ongoing lobbying for better infrastructure – from new schools and innovative transport solutions to the delivery of new walking and cycling routes set within a carefully planned and interconnected network of green space.
For further information on Public Examination please refer to the Welwyn Hatfield website or the NPPF. We will continue to post updates and information as this process progresses.