On the 10th March 2022, Gascoyne Places and Places for People were pleased to host a public consultation at the Hatfield & Crusaders Cricket Club to discuss the proposals at Creswick. Approximately 120 people attended the event and provided their feedback. This feedback will be used to inform the planning application which will be submitted in the coming weeks.
The site will include up to 340 homes, ranging from one bedroom flats to five bedroom houses. It will contain 30% affordable housing, pepper-potted throughout the site, and ample green space. The scheme will also deliver significant biodiversity enhancements with several hectares of new woodland and wildflower meadows surround a new and improved cricket club.
We see Creswick as an opportunity to provide much-needed new homes, community facilities and enhanced green space. Furthermore, our commitment to quality design and sustainability will mean Creswick will become a community which endures in the best traditions of the Garden City.